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Punta Gorda Light House - San Agustin Romblon

October 7, 2020


After exploring the legendary blue hole, include Punta Gorda Light House as a side trip for it is one of the major lighthouses of the Philippines built during the American era in the 1930s. The lighthouse stands on the northwestern part of the Tablas Island, in the village of Cawayan. The beach around it is a shallow coral area teeming with life. From the shore, you have to climb several stone steps that lead up to the top of a hill at 46 meters elevation. The structure has an octagonal concrete tower with a lantern and gallery. The lamp flashes bright white lights every 15 seconds.  This guides ships traversing the Sibuyan Sea through the Romblon Pass. Enjoy the trip and its panoramic view of Sibuyan Sea and the neighboring islands!

Posted in: Destinations
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