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Municipality of San Agustin Romblon

"Connecting Cultures, Embracing Nature: Let's Foster Tourism in San Agustin, Romblon!"

San Agustín was known during Spanish times as Guintigui-an because of the abundance of a fish called "tigue" in the area. Negrito and Mangyan tribes from Panay and Mindoro were the first inhabitants, as well as migrants from island of Romblon, and southern Tablas.

San Agustin, located in the Province of Romblon, is indeed a remarkable municipality known for its excellent leadership and active citizenship. The local government's commitment to serving its community and the engagement of its residents have contributed to the town's continuous advancement across various sectoral committees.

Exploring the World
A Journey into Tourism

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Mayor Office

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Welcome to San Agustin Romblon

Discover San Agustin, Romblon: Where Paradise Meets Pristine Beauty!

San Agustin is a charming municipality located in the province of Romblon, known for its unspoiled natural beauty and pristine beaches. It's a paradise for nature enthusiasts and those seeking a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Unveil the Hidden Charms of Paradise in San Agustin, Romblon's Best-Kept Secret

San Agustin in Romblon is often referred to as a hidden gem in the Philippines, and it's no surprise why. This small, picturesque town is home to some of the most stunning natural beauty and charming attractions, making it a best-kept secret waiting to be unveiled.

Municipal Mayor and Vice Mayor :
Guardians of Governance

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